
1.Youth is the reason of hope.芳华是但愿的季候。 2.You may delay…

1.Youth is the reason of hope.芳华是但愿的季候。

2.You may delay,but time will not.岁月不待人。

3.Yesterday will not be called again.工夫一去不复返。

4.Wonders will never cease.古迹永不终止。

5.Wits are wealth.聪明即是财富。

6.With good we become good.跟大好人,学大好人。

7.Who gives pleasure shall receive joy.予人以欢愉者,本身会取得欢愉。

8、What’s lost is lost.掉去的不成复得。

9.While there is life there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

10、No pains, No gains.

11.Use is (a) second nature.习惯成天然。

12.True love never grows old.真情永不老。

13.Tomorrow is endless.明日何其多。

14.Time works wonders.时候可以缔造古迹。

15.The sea refuses no river.海纳百川。

16.There is lazy minds as well as lazy bodies.心既懒,身亦惰。

17.The longest night will have an end.磨难总能熬到头。

18.The man who suffers much knows much.吃的苦多,懂的事多。

19.Such beginning,such end.如何起头便如何竣事。

20.Skill is no burden.艺多不压身。

关于作者: 励志人生
