
American superstar Michael Jackson was born in Gary, In…

American superstar Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958.

He likes reading、sketching、kungfu and so on. He is a Negro but a disease made him become white.

He has written a great number of songs. Such as <Dangerous>and <We are the world>.So he is called the King of pop. <We are the world> is his song for the children of the world, so many years, he donated more than 20 billion yuan to 39 charities

We have to recognize that he is really a great man. His songs, dance, spirit and wide-love are never die. Michael Jackson, you are always in our hearts.


爱因斯坦在苏黎世理工学院(Zurich Polytechnic)的几年里表现出了一些闪光点,但他叛逆的性格和逃课的癖好,让他的教授们在他1900年毕业时给他的推荐信不够热情洋溢。这位年轻的物理学家后来花了两年时间来寻找学术职位,最后在伯尔尼的瑞士专利局找到了一份工作。这份工作虽然卑微,但对爱因斯坦来说却是一份完美的工作,他发现自己可以在几个小时内轻松完成办公室的工作,剩下的时间用来写作和做研究


Once upon a time,the there was a young man called Kuang Heng.He usually read books at night because he had to work in the day.He didn\’t have money to buy oil ,so he couldn\’t read books when it got dark.One night,he saw a little light from his neighbor\’s room through a gap in the wall.Then he used a knife to make the gap bigger enough to get much more light.

I think we should learn from him and study harder.

关于作者: 躺平
